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Woman looking for a relationship
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Restore your self-esteem using this app dedicated to love and passions!

Find your ideal partner in this app!

Explore a new way to discover the perfect match for you with this app!

With this app, you can find your ideal companion, as you can choose what intention you have at the moment, which could be looking for a romantic connection, or just a good friendship.


Você permanecerá no mesmo site

Are you in doubt about how the dynamics of this application work? Check out all the benefits below.

You can make your intentions clear before starting the conversation.
Possibility of filtering people who have the same expectations as you.
It provides more comfort for women, as they have the power to start the conversation.
Meet people and have new experiences much more easily.

Você permanecerá no mesmo site

In this app, only women can start the conversation, and men have up to 24 hours to respond before the match is broken. (In the case of people of the same sex, anyone can start the conversation first). To find out more details about how it works and how to make the most of this platform, check out our full article

This app ends up being safer for women, as only they can start the conversation. However, it is necessary to be aware and cautious when trusting strangers to share confidential information. To better understand its reliability and security, we recommend reading our full article.

Antes de iniciar a conversa, você pode escolher entre três modos: Bff (Se pretende apenas fazer amizades) Date (Se quiser um relacionamento amoroso) Ou bizz (Se pretende criar uma conexão profissional de negócios).

This application has the dynamic of not only women starting the conversation first and men having a time limit to respond, it allows users to make explicit what they are looking for, thus making it easier to find people who are compatible with you. See more about what makes the app unique and how it can benefit your online dating experience in our full article.

The power of the digital age, like an app, can allow you to find a great partner much more easily:

With the advancement of technology, many barriers in the conventional world have been broken, and this is the power of dating apps.

In the past, to meet someone you needed to be in a socializing environment, and when you found someone compatible with you, you had to be able to start a conversation.

Portanto, com a internet tudo isso se tornou mais fácil, você pode no conforto de sua casa conhecer e conversar com diversas pessoas, e se sentir uma conexão, marcar para se ver pessoalmente. 

All of this made the circumstances much easier to find a partner that you identify with and get along with very well, finding out in minutes through a digital conversation.

Finally, it's a great opportunity to meet different people and have many new experiences, all from your cell phone screen!

How will I use this app to find an ideal partner?

Because of this app's different approach, it makes it easier to find someone who is on the same page as you.

If you are at a time where you want to find a partner to date, you can choose the “date” option and interact with different people until you find a good match.

Once you have a good conversation and trust, you can now plan a romantic date, all of this made possible through this app, cool, right?

Now, if you just want to make friends, you can choose the “BFF” option and talk to several people who are also just looking to make friends.

See your similar tastes, talk about your friendships, and build a bigger friend network by meeting people while using this option.

Furthermore, women start the conversation first and men only have 24 hours to respond, having a limited time to start the conversation makes the connection more dynamic.

Finally, don't waste time, choose whether you are looking for a date or friendship, and find people

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